Clutch - standard adapter for hose Jaco KTPE quarter of an inch.
Buy clutch for 1044 osmosis can place an order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
4042 Corner adapter with external thread 1/8 inch compression tube joining JACO to 1/4 inch.
Typically used for attachment to the body of the membrane.
Buy Area reverse osmosis 4042, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Corner adapter with check valve with male thread 1/8 inch compression tube accession to 1/4 inch.
Typically used for connection to the central door housing the membrane.
The check valve is required for proper operation of the automatic reverse osmosis system. When water is taken into the tank ..
4044 Corner adapter with external thread 1/4 inch compression tube joining JACO to 1/4 inch.
Typically used for attachment to the body prefilter, postfilter, mineralizer, bioactivator.
Buy corner reverse osmosis 4044, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way ..
Nut compression fitting JACO 1/4 inches.
Buy a nut for fitting 545-06 You can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
The triple adapter 6044 with an external thread and two 1/4 inch compression tube connections to 1/4 inch.
Typically used for attachment to the body prefilter, postfilter, mineralizer, bioactivator.
Buy a tee osmosis 6044, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient..
The triple adapter 7544 with an external thread and two 1/4 inch compression tube connections to 1/4 inch.
Typically used for attachment to the body prefilter, postfilter, mineralizer, bioactivator.
Buy a tee RO 7544 can place an order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you..
Corner adapter QC-4044 with external thread 1/4 inch and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for attachment to the body prefilter, postfilter, mineralizer, bioactivator.
Buy corner reverse osmosis QC-4044, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way..
Corner adapter QC-4042 with external thread 1/8 and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for attachment to the body of the membrane.
Buy corner reverse osmosis QC-4042, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Corner adapter QC-4046 with external thread 3/8 and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for attachment to the head of the booster pump to increase the pressure reverse osmosis filter.
Buy corner reverse osmosis QC-4046, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any ..
Corner adapter QC-4022 with two quick connections to the tube 1/4 inches.
Buy corner reverse osmosis QC-4022, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Corner adapter QC-7018 with 1/4 inch liner and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for connection to the fitting housing prefilter, built-in fittings post-filter, mineralizing agent, bioactivator.
Buy corner reverse osmosis QC-7018, you can place your order on our website or conta..
Aquafilter A4FA14 adapter with internal thread 1/4 and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Buy clutch osmosis Aquafilter A4FA14 you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Retaining ring Aquafilter A4LC-BL for quick-fix connection.
Bracket spacing prevents the quick connection from a possible samorazmykaniya castle and helps center the pipe into the fitting.
Note that the first few years of quick release fittings are completed with locking clip; samorazmykaniya ..
Adapter Aquafilter A4MC2-W with external thread 1/8 and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for attachment to the body of the membrane.
Buy direct adapter osmosis Aquafilter A4MC2-W, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Composite corner fitting Aquafilter A4MC4-W + A4SE4 1/4 inches. Corner A4SE4 free to rotate around the axis of the liner.
Buy corner osmosis Aquafilter A4MC4-W + A4SE4 you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Straight adapter Aquafilter A4MC4-W with external thread 1/4 and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for attachment to the body prefilter, postfilter, mineralizer, bioactivator.
Buy direct adapter osmosis Aquafilter A4MC4-W, you can place your order on our website or contact us in..
Corner adapter with check valve Aquafilter A4ME2-CV-W with external thread 1/8 and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for connection to the central door housing the membrane.
The check valve is required for proper operation of the automatic reverse osmosis system. When water is t..
Corner adapter Aquafilter A4MC2-W with external thread 1/8 and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for attachment to the body of the membrane.
Buy corner osmosis Aquafilter A4ME2-W, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Corner adapter Aquafilter A4ME4-W with external thread 1/4 and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for attachment to the body prefilter, postfilter, mineralizer, bioactivator.
Buy corner osmosis Aquafilter A4ME4-W, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any conve..
Corner adapter Aquafilter A4ME5-W with external thread 3/8 and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for attachment to the head of the booster pump to increase the pressure reverse osmosis filter.
Buy corner osmosis Aquafilter A4ME5-W, you can place your order on our website or cont..
Triple adapter Aquafilter A4MT4-W with external thread 1/4 inch and two quick connections to the tube 1/4 inches.
Typically used for attachment to the body prefilter, postfilter, mineralizer, bioactivator.
Buy a tee osmosis Aquafilter A4MT4-W, you can place your order on our website or contact..
Triple integral adapter Aquafilter A4SA4-W + A4TU4-W with external thread 1/4 inch and two quick connections to the tube 1/4 inches.
Typically used for attachment to the body prefilter, postfilter, mineralizer, bioactivator.
Tee A4TU4-W can rotate freely on the insert fitting A4SA4-W.
Buy a..
Direct adapter Aquafilter A4SA4-W with an external thread and the liner 1/4 1/4 inches (standart tube diameter 1/4 inch).
Typically used for attachment to the body prefilter, postfilter, mineralizer, bioactivator.
Buy direct adapter osmosis Aquafilter A4SA4-W, you can place your order on our w..
Corner adapter Aquafilter A4SE4 liner with 1/4 inch quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for connection to the fitting housing prefilter, built-in fittings post-filter, mineralizing agent, bioactivator.
Buy corner osmosis Aquafilter A4SE4 you can place your order on our website or ..
Triple adapter Aquafilter A4SRT4 lined with 1/4 inch and two quick connections to the tube 1/4 inches.
Typically used for attachment to the body prefilter, postfilter, mineralizer, bioactivator.
Buy a tee osmosis Aquafilter A4SRT4 you can place your order on our website or contact us in any co..
Triple adapter Aquafilter A4TU4-W with three quick connections to the tube 1/4 inches.
Buy a tee osmosis Aquafilter A4TU4-W, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Flow valve direct Aquafilter BV250WJG with two quick connections 1/4.
Bypass devices used in washing the membrane at the inlet of the osmotic system and the like.
Buy valve washing reverse osmosis membrane Aquafilter BV250WJG you can place your order on our website or contact us in any conveni..
Crane Aquafilter BV9014JG for storage tank reverse osmosis filter.
Internal thread 1/4 inch, and the quick connection of a 1/4 inch tube.
Buy valve storage tank reverse osmosis Aquafilter BV9014JG you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Flexible thick-walled plastic pipe Aquafilter KTPE 14 1/4 inches for reverse osmosis systems.
Buy a tube for reverse osmosis Aquafilter KTPE14 you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
The flow restrictor 300 Aquafilter FR-JG for reverse osmosis systems, manned membranes with a daily capacity of 50GPD.
Two quick-connection for tube 1/4 inches, the safety net from the input stream.
Buy a flow restrictor RO Aquafilter FR-300JG you can place your order on our website or contact us ..
The flow restrictor Aquafilter FR-420JG for reverse osmosis systems, manned membranes with a daily capacity of 75GPD.
Two quick-connection for tube 1/4 inches, the safety net from the input stream.
Buy a flow restrictor RO Aquafilter FR-420JG you can place your order on our website or contact ..
The flow restrictor Aquafilter FR-550JG for reverse osmosis systems, manned membranes with a daily capacity of 100GPD.
Two quick-connection for tube 1/4 inches, the safety net from the input stream.
Buy a flow restrictor RO Aquafilter FR-550JG you can place your order on our website or contact..
Chrome Tee Aquafilter FT06-C for tapping into the water supply pipe.
The outer diameter of 1/2 inch inner diameter of 1/2 inch under the face seal (rubber ring figure included), side opening with internal thread 1/4 inch to connect the reverse osmosis filter or running drinking system
Buy a te..
Plastic cone adapter Aquafilter FX1214 externally threaded 1/2 inch and 1/4 inch internal thread.
Buy Fittings RO Aquafilter FX1214, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Plastic Aquafilter FX1214JG adapter with external thread 1/2 inch, and a built-in fitting for tube 1/4 inches.
Buy clutch reverse osmosis Aquafilter FX1214JG you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Direct coupling Aquafilter FXCG12 with 1/2 inch.
Buy nipple for RO Aquafilter FXCG12 you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Set Aquafilter INS14 + adapter to insert the tube and compression socket for connection to the drinking water tap 1/4 inch tube.
Buy a set for connection of drinking reverse osmosis tap Aquafilter INS14 + adapter, you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you..
Insert Aquafilter INS14 the tube 1/4 inches.
Used complete drinking water tap connection, in compounds of JACO, recommended for use in type fittings John Guest.
Buy liner tube for reverse osmosis Aquafilter INS14 you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for y..
Direct plastic nipple Aquafilter KF1415 with 1/4 inch connections for flasks pre-filter reverse osmosis.
Buy connector reverse osmosis Aquafilter KF1415 you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Sealing rings of different diameters for flasks prefilters reverse osmosis.
In the operation (especially when loosening flasks) seals can stretch and lose its geometric shape. To prolong the life of the sealing rings should be lubricated with silicone grease the surface or petroleum jelly at each..
Membrane four-way valve (autosvitch) Aquafilter S-3000WJG filter reverse osmosis operates two water streams. Open the water supply to the osmotic membrane at a pressure drop in the drinking part of the filter (in the selection of drinking water from the faucet), shuts off the water on a membrane wit..
Drain clamp Aquafilter SC500B14 for connection to the sewer pipe or siphon element diameter of 35 - 50mm.
Includes 2 half-rings, gasket, 2 bolts and nuts.
Attaching a tube - fitting quick 1/4 inch.
The desired point of connection - to the horizontal part of the pipe or siphon.
Buy Clamp ..
Brass valve Aquafilter WV1414 with external thread 1/4 inch, and the addition of a compression tube 1/4 inches.
Buy Brass valve tie-in reverse osmosis water Aquafilter SEWBV1414 you can place your order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.
Number of drug Aquafilter SRODEZYN in the package for a one-time disinfection of reverse osmosis filter. Sanitation osmosis systems should be performed at least once a year; it is desirable to perform disinfection at each replacement cartridge pre-filters, usually every six months. Do not allow mino..
Housing for membrane elements of size 1812 and 2012, Aquafilter YT-25W with connecting internal threaded holes 1/8 inch.
Attention! for self-assembly of note in the central outlet of the housing is installed is not an ordinary fitting 1/8 inch and corner with a check valve (without reverse osmosi..
The water passes through the reverse osmosis membrane is very slow. One must have extraordinary patience to wait for filling at least a glass of water. Therefore, domestic reverse osmosis filters are equipped with air-water storage tank for storing the treated water. Storage tank provides a steady a..
Direct Atoll MS0404 adapter with external thread 1/4 and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for attachment to the body prefilter, postfilter, mineralizer, bioactivator.
Buy direct fitting reverse osmosis Atoll MS0404 can place an order on our website or contact us in any convenie..
Drain clamp Atoll CU-114B-Q for the connection to the sewer pipe or siphon element diameter of 35 - 50mm.
Includes 2 half-rings, gasket, 2 bolts and nuts.
Attaching a tube - fitting quick 1/4.
The desired point of connection - to the horizontal part of the pipe or siphon.
Buy Clamp for s..
Corner adapter with check valve Atoll CV-3142-Q with external thread 1/8 and quick accession to 1/4 inch tube.
Typically used for connection to the central door housing the membrane.
The check valve is required for proper operation of the automatic reverse osmosis system. When water is taken i..
Membrane three-way valve (avtopereklyuchatel) Atoll CV0201W filter reverse osmosis operates two water streams. Open the water supply to the osmotic membrane at a pressure drop in the drinking part of the filter (in the selection of drinking water from the faucet), shuts off the water on a membrane w..
Crane Atoll CV1144 for storage tank reverse osmosis filter.
Internal thread 1/4 inch, and the quick connection of a 1/4 inch tube.
Buy valve tank reverse osmosis Atoll CV1144 can place an order on our website or contact us in any convenient way for you.